Welcome to the "Find-A-Program For Caregivers" page.
If you are the caregiver of a youth who has engaged in firesetting behavior and you are looking for help, you may be able to find it through our network of YFIRES users.
Find the state you are in, then see if there is a program in your city. If not, there may be a program in a nearby city that can help provide assistance. The name of each program, when underlined, provides a link to that agency's website. You'll also find each program's contact name and phone number.
If you are unable to find assistance near you or have further questions, please go to the YFIRES home page and click on the "Contact" page. We will reply as soon as possible.
You may also find additional information that will assist you by using the "Information for Caregivers" tab on the YFIRES website.
The listing of these programs is not an endorsement by YFIRES as to the nature of the services they provide. The listing is created from the registered users of the YFIRES Data System.